More of You. Less Of Me
“ M ore of Y ou. L ess of M e” I felt this is what Daniel was practicing in his fast as I felt most challenged by this notion over a period of 21 days. Commiting to only consume water, grains, unsalted nuts, fruits, and vegetables, I could not turn to my old eating habits to cope. For example, after a long emotional day at work my go-to meal was a box of pizza, a pink marlote, and a pint of Ben and Jerry's "Tonight Dough." Not the most nutritious meal, but it had been feeding my emotions for some time. However, during those 21 days I didn't have those choices. (I choose not to act on those options) I had to depend on another source as I was making a choice to lean in on God’s understanding of my circumstance instead of my own understanding. Challenged to channel inwards towards those emotions instead of eating or drinking them away. A fun, exhaustive, yet exhilarating experience. So to celebrate the end of a chapter in my first Blog post series,...